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Re: new Utah Shed season

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 7:51 pm
by Mularcher
maintguy47 wrote:Is there anything left in this country that the goverment doesn't regulate or think it owns. Toilets,lightbulbs now dead bone. What a pitty.

Unfortunately No

Re: new Utah Shed season

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 10:05 pm
by Shags1
If people could do things responsibly, then there wouldn't have to be so much regulation. Think about it this way. How many company policies are created after somebody messes up and gets hurt or property gets destroyed? Answer: All of them. Another example. Cell phone use while driving. It's now illegal because enough people have died because of the actions of a few. After the crap I saw last year during the "shed season", I'm completely open to the idea of an actual season date. I watched lots of ATV's drive all over places they shouldn't have been, watched DWR employees run elk off the mountain twice, and most was before anything had dropped. Too many (not all) people start without ever seeing, or watching and following, animals. They have in their mind that when February comes around, it's time to go beat the brush.

I fully understand that not everyone is that way, but it's obvious that the majority are, or people wouldn't be talking about a permit or season.

For the record, I don't believe in big government. I don't vote Democrat, or Liberal. This is not at all what this is about. This is what I've seen first hand, and is only my personal opinion. I went to the DWR openhouse the other night, and had a great conversation with the DWR. I've heard their reasoning and shared with them my concerns and suggestions. I was surprised to hear what the fawn survival rate is for our area. I think that if anyone actually feels like they want to see more and bigger deer, then they should be open minded to all things that are be suggested. I can say I'm more receptive to the idea of limiting people interaction with deer, by a season date, or limiting the number people that can go out by a permit or something. I'm also not against charging people for that online permit. That would be more money to be put to use in wildlife management. Most people are selling the sheds anyway, so why not give some of it back to improve the opportunity for more deer? Just my opinion.