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I'm headed to Otter Creek - Wish me luck

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:03 pm
by hound_hunter
Well.. 1 day left, I fly out saturday morning at 0700 back to Virginia. I figured what better way to celebrate than a traditional trip back down to Otter Creek, right? (It's my favorite fishin' hole and I didn't make it down at all in '08 ](*,) ) My buddy got me a $25.00 gift card to Cabelas so I hit that up before the rose bowl today and i've been restringing all the poles and setting up the lures with worm hooks instead of trebbles. I've got some night crawlers and am gonna try out some garlic scent thing, haha (I needed to use the whole $25.00) - Hopefully I have a decent day, I'll try to post some pics before I leave on Saturday... well, if I have any pics to share, hopefully it goes well.

Oh yeah, This will be my first time fishing through ice down there, any advice on where to go/what to do?

Re: I'm headed to Otter Creek - Wish me luck

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:16 pm
use white tube jigs if you have them tipped with minnow or worm

Re: I'm headed to Otter Creek - Wish me luck

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:35 pm
by hound_hunter
The only ones I have are 3 1/2 inches - Too big for ice fishing? I hear the smaller the better when it comes to winter time? And the bite is a lot smaller too, they don't just take it?

Re: I'm headed to Otter Creek - Wish me luck

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:40 pm
I would disagree i use bigger tubes ice fishing look at the post from Fuzzy on Troutjournal he uses 5" tubes threw the ice Otter creek has some big fish in it i usually use a whole minnow on the tube jig and never have a problem

Re: I'm headed to Otter Creek - Wish me luck

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:44 pm
by hound_hunter
Hmm.. Good to know, Yeah there's definately some fish in Ottter Creek that can handle it, thanks for the info - ill let you know how I do [-o<

Re: I'm headed to Otter Creek - Wish me luck

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:51 pm
The 3 1/2 will work good good luck and let us know how you do ill be at grantsville saturday looking for some browns

Re: I'm headed to Otter Creek - Wish me luck

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 4:02 pm
by chet
there aint no browns in grantsville.......... try elsewhere

Re: I'm headed to Otter Creek - Wish me luck

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:08 pm
I used to like vernon better until they drained it

Re: I'm headed to Otter Creek - Wish me luck

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 7:05 pm
by hound_hunter
Well that sucked... Completely skunked, haha. I don't feel too bad since nobody else was catching anything either. We fished all day, left at 4 am and just got back. I tried every color of every kind of jig and ice fly. Tried the lures at different depths, drilled holes at all different depths, Tried night crawlers, tried shrimp. I just couldn't find them. There were a lot of people out there and everyone else had the same story as me pretty much. Some parties caught a fish here and there, but it was rare to see someone reelin 'em in. From talking to people a lot of them had fished days prior and done great, it was just a slow day today for whatever reason.

Oh well, it was fun to get out - at least I tried I guess (???)

Re: I'm headed to Otter Creek - Wish me luck

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 7:09 pm
Otter creek is a hard lake on the ice its like scofield for me sometimes i do good other times its horrible at least you got out