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Thoughts on g5 t3

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:30 pm
by therookie
So use to shoot rage used meat seekers last year they worked wonders gaping whole it left in my buck. But I always like having a back up or trying new things so I bought the g5 t3's just wondering everyone's experience and opinions on them appreciate the responses thanks

Re: Thoughts on g5 t3

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 8:52 am
by Turokman123
They are a good overall head, they leave devastating holes and the blood trail is really easy to follow. They have always deployed on me and have worked every time. The only downside is the sharpness of the blades is not held that easily. I took mine out of my quiver maybe 8 times when I though I was going to get a shot....and the blades were dull as far as they went in the quiver. Just my .02

Re: Thoughts on g5 t3

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 4:17 pm
by XxPSEaddictxX
I completely blew my shoulder out a few years ago and had to drop down to only about 56 lb draw weight. I was shooting rage at the time and started having alot of trouble on not getting passthroughs so I switched to the T3's and have never looked back...I dont have any plans of switching back to the rage bc IMO they work just as well and I get pass throughs most of the time now.

Re: Thoughts on g5 t3

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:33 pm
by sagehunter
For expandables i have just used rage and have had good luck.

Re: Thoughts on g5 t3

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:33 pm
by sagehunter
Had a bad experience with rage a week ago and will never use them again. Just bought the t3's and full metal jacket arrows.

Re: Thoughts on g5 t3

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:58 pm
I have never used the T3 but I do like G5 products. I currently shoot the Montec broadhead from G5 but I have heard nothing but good about the T3. From what I have heard it flys about as true to your field points as any mechanical broadhead can. If I switch to the mechanicals I will be shooting the T3's
