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Re: Karma

Post by Mularcher » Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:01 pm

I have a problem with flat tires & getting stuck on back trails in fact my wife ribs me about it just about every trip now but I’m glad to say I’ve only met very helpful people when in need. Hope Karma came around to them.
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Re: Karma

Post by spoofman » Fri Feb 10, 2012 8:14 am

a few years back during the muzzle loader i was after a particular deer that i had scouted out, when opening morning i was glassing the areas that he liked to bed down in, i hear a shot less than 100 yards away. I look up and see hair floating in the wind and seen a guy walking down the ridge above me. Yeah, he shot it. Instead of walking away pissed off as i never seen anyone in that canyon all summer, i went up and offered help and even drug it up the mountain for him and over to where he had buddies that took it from there. He asked why I came up and helped him and i said "Karma man." He laughed and thinking that my season was shot i went to an area that i hadnt hunted in seven years and had not scouted and ended up shooting a 30" typical buck out at 200 yards. Karma works for me and has done for many years. =] This was all on public lands.

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Re: Karma

Post by hardstalk » Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:08 am

Did he speak english? Sounds like what i deal with. I ask if they like cake and they usually smile and say no.

On a diff. Note I've seen karma first hand. One of my first mule deer hunts we met an outfitter who took a liking to me and volunteered to take me and my father to a spot he liked because we were having a tough time finding deer another guy invited himself to go along with us. About 4 miles in on foot and the sun started to crack. We took a seat and began glassing. He said "the kid gets first shot since he has never killed a buck" I think I was about 12 at the time we ended up glassing a good buck about 300 yards out but i was uncomfortable with the distance as we came up with a plan to get closer the other fella decided amongst himself he was going to take the deer. With our backs turned he opened fire and dropped the the buck in its tracks. The guide was livid. He explained to me that we were not at the spot he planned on taking me yet and told the guy good luck and off we went. 8 hours later we passed the spot the guy shot the deer he had moved about 200 yards from where we left him. The guy was hoopin and hollerin for help while the guide and i kept walking right past. We never did hear if he got the deer out or not.

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Re: Karma

Post by waspocrew » Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:30 am

Springville Shooter wrote:I know that you're too ethical to ever do it, but if you were to post up the name of his company, we could help Karma get started. -----SS
Haha that's great. I'm sorry that dude was so selfish!

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