Where do I get them?

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Where do I get them?

Post by paladin » Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:46 am

I get all of my jokes from my dog, Tiny. He is a German Shepard, but he was born here so he doesn't have an acccent. Tiny, writes all of my jokes and types all my work. He uses his nose.

He says that my finger work is slower than the neighbors former cat, that my spelling is atrocious, and my composition is more like Bob Cummings than E.E. Cummings. Tiny says that my whole effort is more annoying than peanut butter.

Some people get their dog from a breeder, others get their dog from the shelter (may God protect and bless them all), I got Tiny from the Minneapolis Star and Tribune. He was the best copy editor that they ever had. Why would I go to the Trib for a dog, you may ask? Some people say that every time you go to the Trib you get a dog, but not me, I'd never say that. Tiny felt that he was being under utilized, and in a dead end position.

Tiny is an invaluable member of my staff. He is the chief of security, runs all of the G2 functions by himself, he can explain the time value of money better than Secretary Geitner. He works cheap, takes no vacations, and doesn't have a union steward. But Tiny is no diplomat. He may not have opposable thumbs, but he does have opposable jaws!

The only time that I ever got upset with Tiny was when he peed on the office floor, so I scolded him. Astonished, he looked at me and said "Then why'd you offer me the coffee." :))

"A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercise, I advise the gun . . . it gives boldness, enterprise, and independence to the mind. Let your gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks."

Thomas Jefferson, 1785

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Re: Where do I get them?

Post by fatrooster » Sun Feb 13, 2011 11:10 am

No, this is not Tiny the German Shepard, but it proves that dogs can use the computer. Daisy my shed dog loves to get on the Muleymadness.com website. fatrooster.


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