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Post by WYMULEYMAN » Mon Aug 15, 2005 10:48 am

Just thought I would drop you a line and update you on my hunting season plans.

Found out a couple weeks ago that a buddy of mine drew, according to the Montana Fish and Game statistically the hardest tag to draw in the state, a any elk tag on unit 410 in the Elkhorn Mtns. of Montana. So now I had to rework my own hunting vacation to accomodate this new development. I have been telling him for five years that if he ever drew this tag that I would without a doubt come up there and go with him. According to him many people have told him to settle for nothing less than a 360" bull. Now if that actually is the truth or not I am not sure but to say I am excited to chase these elk around would be an understatement. The funny thing is is that he and his wife just had there first son about two or three weeks ago (Hunter Mathew Gregor) and he was really hoping not to draw this tag this year, but I told him luck would be that he would draw the tag and have to make due, well wouldn't you know it!!!! He is still excited and I look forward to spending some time on my first ever out of state hunting adventure. I have never been able to leave wyoming to hunt or just be on the hunt, so I am very excited, add to that it isn't until Thanksgiving week. My mom is not super thrilled that instead of being home for the holiday I will be in the mountains chasing elk. I apologized frantically (yeah right!!!! like I am going to pass this opportunity up)

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Post by BOHNTR » Mon Aug 15, 2005 6:09 pm


That IS a sweet tag with a high probability of a good bull. I bet you guys are stoked! Make sure you take plenty of photos to share with us, as we love seeing them. By the way, you're a good hunting partner/friend to take time away from your family during the holiday to help on a hunt. Way to go pard.

I'm chomping at the bit for my next two hunts. I'll be leaving for Colorado to bowhunt mule deer next week (Tuesday). I'll be there for two weeks then come back to work for a week. After that, I'm headed for Arizona to chase monster bull elk (I hope) the last two weeks of September. Sometimes the aniticipation of a hunt is as good as the hunt itself.......well maybe not. :)
BOHNTR )))-------------->

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Post by WYMULEYMAN » Tue Aug 16, 2005 8:54 am

We are definetly chomping at the bit for a chance to take a good bull. My buddy has yet to take a bull elk, however has been hunting for many years, and so this year I just know will be the year for him. Actually to tell you the truth I would rather just tag along for the hunt, as I have always enjoyed seeing someone elses success more so than my own success. I can watch a buddy, sister, or first-timer and be just as excited as if I was the one taking the animal.

It is going to be a late season, snowy, cold, bull elk hunt and I can't wait. I haven't hunted elk in the snow in years, which is the way I prefer it!

Good luck to you in the next few weeks, hopefully we will see some good photos when you get back.

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Post by WYMULEYMAN » Wed Aug 17, 2005 10:59 am


Wanted to ask you and some of the regulars around here what there attitudes or feelings are involving four-wheelers! I don't want to start any fights around here I am just curious as to your opinions, I have mine but I am going to keep them to myself because I don't want to start something. However, after visiting another site, Roy you know which one, I can't believe the hate and discontent that the thought of even the word causes over there.

The question is a very good one I think and if people could just remain calm I also think it is a very good topic that deserves some discussion. It seems to be one of the most controversial (sp) topics amogst hunters as a whole. Sometimes this is why any topic I really want some discussion on I come here, because most the people around here are reserved and willing to talk about things without throwing threats around. The childish behavior on this other site is almost too much for me.

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Post by BOHNTR » Wed Aug 17, 2005 12:01 pm


You know, I really don't have a problem with them as long as they are used LEGALLY. If folks are driving them on a road or a two-track road that's opened for vehicular traffic, I don't see a difference between them and any other vehicle.

I know in Arizona where I hunt elk, the roads (if you can call them that) are made of thousands of 12-24" rocks with clay......they will simply tear your vehicle up if you travel them often. I don't like camping exactly where I'm hunting, so it requires me to travel these bad roads to get into the area. I always use an ATV to get back in this rough country, then I park it and hike in on foot.....away from the roads.

What I DON'T like is the fact that a lot of people seem to think they can drive anywhere with them, including areas that are closed to vehicular traffic PERIOD. I also don't particularly like those that hunt off of them. Not travleling to an area hunting, but rather a person holding the bow, arrow knocked, driving slowly looking for critters. A simple weapons locked case law would alleviate a lot of this behavior.

In Colorado, if you're on ANY motorized vehicle, your weapon (bow or gun) must be secured in a case. This will detour most bow and arrow roadhunters, as it's too time consuming for them to stop the ATV, take the bow out of a case, and then shoot.

So I guess the bottom line is I support ATV's if they are used LEGALLY. I've detained several over the years in closed areas and had them ticketed after notifying local enforcement agencies. It does work IF you get involved and demand laws to be followed. If not, the days of using an ATV may be a thing of the past.
BOHNTR )))-------------->

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Post by WYMULEYMAN » Wed Aug 17, 2005 1:37 pm


Thanks for the reply, I think that your style of hunting and my style of hunting are one in the same. I use to hate the wheelers, becauae one of my favorite areas had been destroyed by the 4-wheelers. There were really no laws for or against them but these people turned a once excellent muley hangout into a international super highway. I was mad and since have decided to never hunt in this area again.

However my dad did purchase one a couple years ago, probably one of the hardest hunters I have ever met but age and bad knees finally caught up to him. He has had some 30 surgeries between his two knees and just can't get around like he use to. Anyways some of the roads we use to use to get to our hunting spot were virtually impassable by trucks and the only way in was by 4-wheeler, keep in mind we camped at least 7 miles from where we hunted and on wyoming dirt roads that is a long ways, but he always parked the four wheeler the same place we would park the trucks and start hunting on our feet. Anyways my attitude has changed about them the past few years, they are an excellent tool, however, my problem still remains the same, unfortunately a few bad apples ruin it for everyone. As I am sure at least 60% of four wheel users are respectful, responsible law abiding citizens but it is those other 40% that ruin it. I don't have a problem with wheelers as long as they are used legally. I think the law has left so much gray area amongst there laws that people find ways around them. I noticed on the other website that a few people like to threat high-country tune-ups and other things, I think that is as wrong as people breaking the laws on there wheelers.

It is alot more effiective when people can carry on a post when they remain calm and not start the threats, as you may have noticed I don't like posting to this other website because I fear the consequences of doing so. I think everyone of us as sportsmen have experienced a time when our hunt or stalk was blown by a wheeler breaking the law and the natural reaction is to start threatening alot of things, like banning them totally out of the woods completely and threatening tune-ups and other such things, heck I know I have been guilty of it a time or two, but the bottomline is they are out-of-control when they make the posts that they do and others take offense to what is being said. I just like to read the posts on Monstermuleys because some of the folks around there are very knowledgable, very funny individuals but I have a hard time posting myself. But sure like to read the posts. Even the ones that get completely out of hand, I remember one the other week where some old boy was on there threatening BCBOY and his family and wife, it is funny simply because I can't believe that grown men can act like that and all the while hiding behind there computers. It is senseless. I really like reading your posts, BCBOYs, BUCKSPY, KILOWATTs, and many others, so many I probably couldn't remember half of the ones I make a special point of reading. These guys are great and although I don't know them first handedly I do however think that these guys know there hunting and I take away as much as possible with every visit to this and other sites.

It has been a real privilege getting to talk to guys that you see in the videos and so many successful pictures, among these people; you, Lowlandmuleys, and dwlong man it has been a real treat.

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Post by a_bow_nut » Wed Aug 17, 2005 6:34 pm

In Utah they are starting to crack down on the fourwheelers. Two years ago they made the law to where we can't use our fourwheelers to retrive the game that we have harvested. This is going to make my life a living burn until my horses get old enough to start packing things for me. But I agree with you guys that they are great tools and lots of fun to have. If everbody would just be responsible then we wouldn't have to have these laws in place. The majority of the people that I see tearing through the spots that they aren't supposed to be aren't even hunters but they are going to ruin it for everybody. nono
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