Elk vs. Mule Deer bowhunting

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Elk vs. Mule Deer bowhunting

Post by Anonymous » Tue Feb 15, 2005 2:27 pm

Which of the two species is considered easier to bowhunt, and why. I will be using traditional equipment, so my shots are limited to 25 yards

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Post by BOHNTR » Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:54 pm


Having bowhunted both species numerous times, I would have to say for trophy animals, elk are easier. Getting within 25 yards of elk during the bugling season is much easier, IMO, than crawling up on a decent sized muley.

As you know, elk are very vocal during most archery seasons, making them easier to locate. Once this is done, calling elk in is still a possiblity in some areas of the west and close encounters are common. In fact, every major elk hunt I've been on, I've arrowed a bull. I definately can NOT say that about trophy mule deer.

Trophy Mule Deer are tough animals to bowhunt, especially if you have a 25 yard comfort range. Their hearing is second to none, and they inhabit wide open spaces during the early season. This makes close encounters of 25 yards or less much less frequent than that of an elk in timbered areas.

Hope it helps and good luck on your hunt.
BOHNTR )))-------------->

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Post by ABert » Sun May 01, 2005 12:37 pm

Have to agree with BOHNTR 100%. Elk are much easier to close to as they will answer to and come in from a call. Muleys roam far and wide so trying to set up on one is almost impossible. Sneaking up on a bedded muley is possible, but keep in mind why that buck got to the age he is. Next time you locate a bedded buck take a look at the surrounding area around him. He has set himself up to be able to see and smell the easy approach in front of him and has multiple escape routes should some unsavory character try to approach. I truly believe bowhunting a muley has to rate with one of the toughest hunts in the world. Not impossible but EVERYTHING must work out just right.

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Post by utbowhunter23 » Wed Jun 22, 2005 10:35 am

I would have to agree with everyone in here. I personally haven't been elk hunting with a bow, but while I have been on the archery deer hunt I could have taken quite a few elk. Mule Deer are very hard to hunt because in my opinion where I hunt they don't really follow a certain pattern. It is hard to get to them without them seeing you. I had a friend that drew a big bull archery tag last year and he took a 330 class 6X6 and he shot it at 12 yards so my opinion if you want more of a challenge go for mule deer. My 2 cents

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Post by IdahoGobbler » Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:04 pm

I have never mule deer hunted but as far as elk go there is no other way to get that adrenilin pumping more than a 6 pt bull scremin with snot coming out of his nose at 20 yards away!

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Post by Hiker » Fri Feb 03, 2006 5:16 pm

Bow hunting Elk during the rut is Great! :thumb
Screaming, stinky bulls running all over the place. Wind changing direction every 10 minutes, really makes it a challenge. Hiking over hill and dale. Picking up that fresh poo, to feel how warm it is, to see if your close to the herd. Getting soaked to the bone with all that rain. Only 8 more months.....but whose counting? :)

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Post by MuliesnMerriams » Fri Feb 03, 2006 7:41 pm

I've hunted both... I'd have to agree with everyone here, elk are by far easier when your hunting the rut. They are very responsive. I shot my last elk at 20 yards and had opportunities at like 5 more that were traveling with mine for a good few minutes after I shot. And yeah... there isn't a better adrenaline rush.... Well I haven't got my big mulie with my bow yet... we'll see.

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Post by supersider34 » Fri Feb 03, 2006 9:15 pm

Both are a blast to hunt. Elk are easier to hunt than mulies. More vocal.
But overall stupidity in the rut I think mulies are dumber. If you can find a few hot doe's and can watch them in the time the smaller bucks start chasing them the bigger bucks will come after them. Then the big one's get extremely stupid. They will chase that doe everywhere. I have had them push and run a doe right past me within yds. I have never had elk do this. They dont care who or what is there. There mind is only on one thing. One thing only. Even had bucks chase a doe right by my truck. While I was on a road. But outside of the full rut elk have it hands down.

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