RAC meeting report

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Re: RAC meeting report

Post by swbuckmaster » Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:39 pm

stillhunterman wrote:
one hunting fool wrote:i think that if the DWR where really trying to help deer herds they would hav pushed option 2 a little more. it would give them more controle on over pressure. I think that just like mentioned they are afraid it would be to much work and they would have to do something other than prop their feet up on the dest 6 hours a day and walk back and forth from the bathroom the other 2.
The DWR has already stated that Option 2 does NOTHING to help the deer herds. And placing blame on the DWR for the current management practices is pretty misplaced. They are completely hamstrung by the Wildlife Board and the special interest groups that pull the WB chains! Every viable BIOLOGICALLY SOUND strataties the DWR put forth to implement have been shot down by the Board and SFW, specifically.

Utahs current plan is already micro management.. if there are areas that go under the buck to doe ratios they make them 3 day hunts. if it still goes down they cut tags.. It is only 1 year into a 5 year plan and the SFW/Wildlife stooges are already throwing it overboard and trying to push an agenda that didnt go through the muledeer comities.


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Re: RAC meeting report

Post by shmobag » Thu Nov 11, 2010 9:08 pm

so how do we take the power away?

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Re: RAC meeting report

Post by swbuckmaster » Thu Nov 11, 2010 9:29 pm

shmobag wrote:so how do we take the power away?
that is not going to be easy with them stealing our tags and pimping them out.

When people finally see how many years it is going to actually take to draw a LE rifle elk hunt maybe people will start throwing them overboard.

when people see their hunting opportunity going out the window maybe people will start throwing them overboard.

when people actually start going to the muledeer comities and wracs and see what a sham the political circus has turned into maybe they will start throwing them overboard..

you wait and see when all the racs end up with a land slide vote for proposal 1 and the wildlifeboard votes for proposal 2 maybe people will throw them over board..

Until then they will keep getting what they want.

see people still think SFW is a good organization. I used to think they were a good organization. I almost joined!! Im not going to go into a SFW bash fest cause im tired of typing.

I don't have any answers on how to get rid of them if I did I set them out on the curb on trash day.

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Re: RAC meeting report

Post by Muley_73 » Fri Nov 12, 2010 3:18 am

All this talk about special intrest groups and nobody mentions two to the most powerful in the state. That would be the Utah Bowhunters Assoc and The Utah Bowmens Assoc. Now those groups have some power. They have sided with the DWR for years and got some pretty good results I must say. Extended Seasons, there own little unit to hunt for months, statewide access. Yes sir those boys get it done. It is fun to watch them work a RAC meeting, pleading to justice all the while knowing that lunches and meetings with Anis will pay off in the end. Special intrest groups do get it done in Utah I have to agree! =D> 10sign:

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Re: RAC meeting report

Post by Muley_73 » Fri Nov 12, 2010 3:23 am

Who gives the SFW and other special intrest groups the conservation tags? Steal them really? I am almost positive that it is the DWR that gives them the tags? I promise I do not agree with how many they give! I think a few is a good idea and the money they generate is good, but it has gotten out of hand. But to say steal is untrue. The DWR is a state agency, we control them or at least should control them. They are not forced to give them at all!

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Re: RAC meeting report

Post by IDHunter » Sat Nov 13, 2010 1:26 am

The wildlife board controls everything. Special interest (ie. SFW) controls the wildlife board. I personally am not holding my breath on anything that comes out of the RAC's. The board does not have to vote the way the RAC's do. My prediction...you will see something implemented that's different than the three proposals.

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Re: RAC meeting report

Post by stillhunterman » Sun Nov 14, 2010 12:55 pm

IDHunter wrote:The wildlife board controls everything. Special interest (ie. SFW) controls the wildlife board. I personally am not holding my breath on anything that comes out of the RAC's. The board does not have to vote the way the RAC's do. My prediction...you will see something implemented that's different than the three proposals.

I have a hunch you will be right IDHunter. SFW is pushing #2 big time, but they also see the great majority of Utah hunters don't want that. I think they will hybridize it into something that will still push their agenda. This is why we hunters MUST show up in large numbers at the WB meeting! We DO have a voice, and for the first time in a long time it is starting to be heard.

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Re: RAC meeting report

Post by dahlmer » Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:45 pm

I fear regardless of what the RAC's recommend the WB will push through micromanagement...or at least pave the way with something that will make it easier the next time. Unfortunately, the WB is not required to follow the direction of the RAC's and seems to have no accountability to anyone besides SFW. SFW members represent a significant portion of the board.

I'd love to see the DWR force the special interest groups to use the conservation funding on public ground within Utah's general units. Much of the funding seems to directed at the Henry Mtns and private land. I know in some instances that has resulted in greater access to hunters, but if the herds are to improve the focus needs to be turned to general hunt areas that will benefit a larger group of deer.

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Re: RAC meeting report

Post by derekp1999 » Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:36 pm

It seems the Wildlife Board is pretty high on option #2 judging from the WB Meeting minutes. If all the RAC Boards are leaning towards option #1 it will be interesting to see what type of "hybrid" they actually put into place. I don't have a problem with either plan, just do something that will help the herd & give us the quality hunting we all want. It's a start, but unfortunately will take a while... a long while. It took 20-30+ years to get to this point, it will most likely take at least that long to get it back.
I am relieved that the WB has put the proposal to change the season dates on the back burner for now. I think changing all the dates so that general deer and elk hunts coincide would result in an insane amount of pressure on the animals. That's a lot of hunters running around the hills all at once. Also, cramming all the limited entry elk hunts into the rut would put an incredible amount of pressure on 'em during the breeding season. Granted I would be the first guy out there to jump at the chance to chase a screaming bull, but if they're looking to improve quality and reduce pressure then putting all the hunts in the rut is definitely not the solution. I'm also a muzzleloader hunter, so to think of sharing the last 4 days of the muzzleloader season with rifle guys would really chap my... especially if I've invested 15+ years to build up points to draw the big time tag.
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Re: RAC meeting report

Post by MuleyMadness » Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:41 am

From what I understand the vote was in FAVOR of Option #2 last night in the Southern RAC meeting in Beaver. Didn't make it myself, wanted to though.

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