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Post by WYMULEYMAN » Thu Jul 22, 2004 3:37 pm

i thought i would tell everyone here a funny story. although everything turned out alright things could have gotten real ugly real fast. yesterday i was headed up to grand teton national park to pick up a couple friends that are working there for the summer. i was about three miles from the park when i noticed thirty vehicles or so parked on the side of the road taking pictures of something. so being the curious person i am, i decided to pull over and see what all the fuss was about. there were about 10 or 15 buffalo hanging out on the side of the road minding there own business just trying to chew there cud. but the people were not watching the buffalo, when i looked out alittle farther i noticed probably a 7ft. black bear trying to escape the tourists. keep in mind at almost every 5 miles or so there are signs that say "DO NOT APPROACH THE WILDLIFE" i mean that to me is common sense, these are not petting zoo animals but wild animals. anyways the funny thing is is there is about 40 people trying to get pictures of this boar, but 10 of them or so wanted to follow this bear and kept trying to get closer. this bear would run about 10-15 feet or so and turn around and show his teeth and take his paw and swat the ground to try to intimidate these persistent tourists. then he would turn and run a few more feet and turn and show his teeth again and swat the fence and the ground with his paw. i could not believe it, here is a big black bear, not happy that these people will not stop following him, all the while right in front of these signs that read and i quote "DO NOT APPROACH THE WILDLIFE" sometimes i wonder what goes through these peoples minds. there are approx. 10 deaths a year between yellowstone and grand teton national parks. but yet it is almost like people just don't learn. last year there was a guy that set his young son on the back of a sleeping buffalo, only to have the buffalo awake and charge the dad, killing him instantly. and the sad thing is the poor animal has to be put down.

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Post by MuleyMadness » Thu Jul 22, 2004 4:20 pm

Sounds nuts, especially the way that bear was acting. Sounds like he could/would charge any minute. Your right though, some people just don't quite "get it".

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Post by ironranger » Thu Jul 22, 2004 9:12 pm

Dang touristos!! It floors me how some of them can be so stupid and you are right, it's a shame that the animal had to be put down! I always say that it's survival of the fittest in this world and there are some that aren't long for it. We can only hope that they don't take any of us good folks with them when they go!!

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