Mule Deer

Physical Characteristics

Mule deer are distinct from other deer by their mule
like ears. The ears may reach lengths of 10 inches.The mule deer appears
much more stockier than the whitetail deer. It’s coat has a dark gray
color in the winter and a reddish brown color in the summer. The antler
grow in a ‘Y’ formation from the head and are used to gain dominance status.

Reproduction Cycle

The breeding season begins in October and ends in
December with the peak of the rut in November. Males shed their antlers
between January and February. After a 200 day gestation period the
females give birth in the spring (April-June). 1 to 4 fawns may be
born at a time. On average a female will give birth to two fawns.


Western Canada, Western U.S. as far as Texas and east to Wisconsin


Forest Edges, Mountains, Hills


Douglas-fir, ceader, yew, aspen, willow, acorns, dogwood, grapes,
mushrooms,ferns, mistletoe, berries, & apples


coyote, bobcat, mountain lion, wolves

General Information

Height at shoulders—-3 1/2 feet

Weight —- Male 125-400 lbs, Female 100-150 lbs

Top Speed —- 40 mph

Jump Height —- 8 feet

Jump Distance —- 20 feet

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